My Approach

I’m a therapist who makes it easy and comfortable to be in the therapy space. I’ll ask questions and offer reflections to help deepen your self-understanding, furthering your ability to be compassionate with yourself and with others.

I’ll provide you with an emotional roadmap to guide you when exploring how deeply held beliefs, past trauma, abuse, or emotional neglect might be influencing you today.

We’ll then create new self-concepts by using somatic awareness techniques, mindfulness skills, guided visualizations, and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) principles.

Through my gentle yet caring presence, I will validate any unrecognized grief you may be carrying and witness its lasting impacts. By freeing yourself from these unresolved traumas, you will flourish in your connection to yourself and the world around you.


  • Helping people find healing and growth through the compassionate and ethical use of expanded states of consciousness. Learn More

  • Supporting you with the challenges you face as an unpartnered person in a world that expects coupling as the norm. Learn More

  • Healing from childhood trauma and emotional neglect is a complex, but necessary process that fosters healthier relationships with ourselves and with others. Learn More

  • Providing you with the support needed to identify how to overcome barriers and develop a loving and respectful relationship with your family member that presents with challenges that often overwhelm those attempting to support them. Learn More

  • Increasing assertiveness skills can be life-changing. Our therapy will help you learn to identify what you want and need in your relationships and how to effectively achieve your desired outcomes. Learn More

  • Breaking through an impasse with an important person in your life might feel unachievable. Using targeted short-term therapy (typically 1-3 therapy sessions) and Non-Violent Communications skills and principles, I have facilitated growth and understanding in relationships that had felt limited and unsustainable. Learn More

  • Coming to terms with how you have been impacted by an adoption can be a challenging experience that is deserving of support, nuturance, and understanding. Learn More

About Therapy

It's always an amazing experience to witness the "Aha" moment, when all of the pieces fall into place. There is acceptance for everything that's happened to get you to this point and clarity with how to move forward.