Adoption and Reunification Support…

Wherever you might fall in the adoption triangle, having my understanding perspective can assist with navigating the intense feelings and complicated dynamics.

The adoption experience is often an unspoken, yet pervasive influence on the lives of everyone involved in this life-altering decision. Yet, it often isn’t discussed or recognized as an impactful blueprint on all involved. The emotions run deep and can involve feelings of curiosity, fear, sadness and guilt.

  • If you are an adoptee and are considering reunification with a biological family member, having the space to discuss what this might look like and how to take care of yourself during the process is essential.

  • If you are a biological family member who is distraught after a child is given up for adoption, therapy can be helpful as you process this often unspoken grief.

  • If you are an adoptive family member wanting to make sure your adopted child is getting the best version of you, having a therapeutic space to talk about your needs, supports this objective.

Adoption/Reunification Issues